The Mary Seacole Trust has embarked upon an ambitious project to ‘move the needle’ on the diversity in leadership agenda. The Trust aims to achieve this by bringing the private and public sectors together to share ideas and solutions that have been effective in various industries in improving the representation of staff from diverse groups in senior, executive and board positions.
The Mary Seacole Trust will bring together leaders from across the private and public sectors through a ‘Roundtable’ event aimed at exploring and sharing best practice, identifying the issues and successful outcomes and focusing on solutions to achieve Diversity in Leadership. Following the findings of a literature review, MST will discuss identified common themes, initiatives and recommendations which may be applied to deliver successes. To support this work, MST has commissioned an independent review of a number of national publications, examining the reported levels of discrimination amongst certain occupational groups. The literature identifies a lack of diversity in senior leadership positions throughout the public and private sectors.
The literature review examined the following reports:
- Snowy White Peaks 2014
- Race at Work 2015 – Business in the Community
- Equality, Diversity and Racism in the Workplace: A Qualitative Analysis of the 2015 Race at Work Survey
- Race in the Workplace: The McGregor-Smith Review
- A Report into the Ethnic Diversity of UK Boards: The Parker Review
- TUC report 2017
- EHRC report: Healing a Divided Britain
- NHS Equality and Diversity Council 2017 NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard: 2017 Data Analysis Report for NHS Trust
The Mary Seacole Trust aims to facilitate the public and private sectors and organisations to work together in co-designing common interventions for common problems, and sharing replicable good practice as they go about it. The outcome of the literature review and roundtable will inform the work of the Mary Seacole Trust and its partners and we will be publishing the outcomes with our commitments in 2019.
The Mary Seacole Diversity in Leadership Roundtable is scheduled to take place in November 2018.